Конференції Національного Авіаційного Університету, AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY 2018

Розмір шрифту: 
Network Analysis of Crew and Air Traffic Controller Actions in Case of Engine Problems on Multi-engine Aircraft during Take-off
Nikolay Vladimirovich Kasatkin, Yuliya Vladimirovna Sikirda

Остання редакція: 2018-09-26


The emergency situation that arises on board an aircraft when one engine fails and other engine fires on the same side during the take-off was formalized. A network analysis of the emergency situation in flight was carried out and a deterministic model of the crew and air traffic controller actions during parrying an accident in flight was obtained.

Ключові файли

emergency situation, network analysis of actions, network graph


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2. Kartamyshev, P.V., Ignatovich, M.V., & Orkin, A.I. (1987). Methods of flight training. Moscow: Transport.

3. Kharchenko, V., Shmelova, T., & Sikirda, Y. (2011). Graph-analytical models of decision-making by a human-operator of an Air Navigation System. Proceedings of the National Aviation University, 1, 5-17.

4. Shmelova, T., & Sikirda, Y. (2011). Analysis of the flight situations development in the aviation sociotechnical system. Collection of Scientific Works of the Kharkiv University of Air Forces, 2(28), 59-64.

5. State Aviation Service of Ukraine. (2010). Newsletter on the state of flight safety with the civil aircraft of Ukraine in 2010. Kyiv: Author.