Конференції Національного Авіаційного Університету, AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY 2018

Розмір шрифту: 
Influence of production technology of fiberglass on the strength characteristics
Vyacheslav Astanin, Oleg Shevchenko, Anton Balalaiev, Nazari Bondar

Остання редакція: 2018-09-27


The influence of the fiberglass prodaction technology on their strength characteristics was investigated by tests of tension and compression of specimens that were cut along the warp and weft of fiberglass plates made by thermo-vacuum forming and vacuum infusion. The results of the studies showed a greater strength of the fiberglass made by the method of thermo-vacuum molding.

Ключові файли

Composite material; fiberglass; thermo-vacuum molding; vacuum infusion; tension and compression tests; ultimate strength; warp; weft;


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