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New directions and approaches to improve the efficiency of air propellers PDF (English)
Fedir Ivanovich Kirchu, Hussein Hanesh
PDF (English)
Mykola Bogdanov, Fedir Kirchu, Hussein Hanesh
New information coefficients of vibration signals for technical condition monitoring in rotating electric power machines PDF (English)
Valerii Fedorovich Hraniak
Research of hard-to-reach areas at geodetic works PDF (English)
Oksana Oleksandrovna Lugovyh, Yurij Oleksandrovich Podchashinskiy, Artem Sergeevich Hurtin
Intelligent monitoring of cardiograms PDF (English)
Vadim Horban, Serhii Holub
Information-psychological impact detection and identification as a basis for counteracting information aggression PDF (English)
Vladyslav Hriha, Iryna Shchudlyk, Andrii Gizun
Implementation of the method of boundary integral equations in boundary value problems of gasdynamics PDF (English)
Yuriy Aleksandrovich Krashanitsa, A Hoshmandi, A Hoshmandi, N Hristenko, N Hristenko
Engineering-psychological problem of flight safety in case of failures in avionics PDF (English)
Yurii Hryshchenko, Elizabeth A. Starchenko
The impact of aviation and rocket-space technology on the ozone layer: causes of destruction and recovery methods PDF (English)
Iryna Bida, Anastasia Kononenko, Viktoriа Prokopchuk, Maryna Savchuk, Liusia Teleniuk, Vasyl Vasilievich Horupa
Theoretical aspects of special purpose airline marketing policy in performing agricultural aviation works PDF (English)
Olena Solovyova, Iryna Herasymenko
Methods for increasing the distress tolerance of students of public high schools for the extreme future professions PDF (English)
Vitaliy Hliebov, Oleksandr Podliesnyi, Volodymyr Bobr
Svetlana Grynyuk, Juka Havu
Calculation of losses from rainfall falling in the design of culverts and drainage systems on highways PDF (English)
Yulin Yu He
Designing traffic distribution for non-signal intersection of transport interchanges in one level in the central business districts of the city PDF (English)
Yulin Yu He
Implementation of ICAO standards as a condition for the development of modern regulatory provision of the domestic aviation industry PDF (English)
Svitlana G. Holovko

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