Остання редакція: 2018-11-27
Ключові файли
1. Zhurkov, S.N. The problem of the strength of solids./S.N. Zhurkov // Bulletin of the USSR Academy of Sciences. – 1957. – №11. – pp. 78-82.
2. Regel, V.R. About the kinetic of mechanical and electrical destruction./V.R. Regel, A.I. Slutsker. - To the 90th anniversary of S.N. Zhurkov. - St. Petersburg: FTIRAN, 1995. - P. 14-20.
3. Gromakovsky, D.G. Modern technologies and durability of friction surfaces with fatigue wear mechanism / D.G. Gromakovsky, V.A. Gorokhov, G.A. Kulakov, L.M. Rybakova, I.D. Ibatullin // Friction and lubrication in machines and mechanisms. - 2006. - Vol. 3. - P.11-20.
4. Gromakovsky D.G. AS of the USSR No. 1490592 Method for evaluating the activation energy of materials / Gromakovskii D.G., Belenkikh E.V., Ibatullin I.D., Karpov A.S. and others, publ. in the bul. inventions of the State Committee of the USSR No. 24 of 30.06.89.
5. Gromakovsky D.G. The patent №216645 of the Russian Federation. A method for estimating the activation energy of the destruction of a surface layer material by a deformed friction / Gromakovskii D.G., Belenkikh E.V., Ibatullin I.D., Kovshov A.G. and others, publ. 10.05.2001.
6. Mikosianchyk, O.O. automatics tribo-technical complex for evaluation of lubrication processes in friction pairs / Mikosyanchik O.O., Zaporozhets O.I., Mnatsakanov R.G. // Problems tribology. - Khmelnitsky: KhNU.- 2015. - №4. - P. 42-48.