Остання редакція: 2018-11-14
Annotation. The main risks that arise during the organization of multimodal transport are analyzed. The risk management process of multimodal transport operators is considered.
Ключові файли
1. Multimodal and intermodal transport [Electronic resource] / Management of transport systems. Transportation provision of Logistics. URL:http://goodlogistics.ru/smeshannye-multimodalnye-intermodalnye-perevozki/
2. Convention of the Organization of the European Communities / [Electronic resource] / Legislation of Ukraine URL: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/995_189/stru#Stru
3. Logistical risks in supply chains: classification, estimation and management methods / Logistics and supply chain management [Electronic resource]. URL: https://studme.org/53465/logistika/integrirovannoe_planirovanie_tsepey_postavok