Конференції Національного Авіаційного Університету, AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY 2018

Розмір шрифту: 
Management of the risks of multimodal transport operators
Yuliia Viktorivna Shevchenko, Olena Evgeniivna Sokolova, Irina Valeriivna Borets

Остання редакція: 2018-11-14



Annotation. The main risks that arise during the organization of multimodal transport are analyzed. The risk management process of multimodal transport operators is considered.

Ключові файли

Multimodal Transportation, Management, Risk


1. Multimodal and intermodal transport [Electronic resource] / Management of transport systems.             Transportation provision of Logistics. URL:http://goodlogistics.ru/smeshannye-multimodalnye-intermodalnye-perevozki/

2. Convention of the Organization of the European Communities / [Electronic resource] / Legislation of Ukraine URL: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/995_189/stru#Stru

3. Logistical risks in supply chains: classification, estimation and management methods / Logistics and supply chain management [Electronic resource]. URL: https://studme.org/53465/logistika/integrirovannoe_planirovanie_tsepey_postavok